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Global Education Symposium in DC

I just returned from an energizing weekend in Washington, DC with IREX/ TGC! There was so much to do and see this weekend and the experience was top notch, start to finish! We Fellows and our administrators were flown to DC and invited to stay at the Mandarin Oriental, where daily activities were designed to enhance our experience and get our administrators on board with global education.

On Thursday evening, we had an opportunity to meet with our class cohort members and connect with our travel groups. After working "together" online for months, it was great to finally put names and faces together. The IREX/ TGC folks really know how to do it up right. . .we had a variety of international snacks, dinner items, and drinks to enjoy as we chatted with our colleagues. The reception was a great beginning to our weekend of learning and preparations for our international travel.

Friday morning began with breakfast and smiles all around as we recognized new friends from the reception the night before. As introductions were made, circles of new friends grew larger. Although there were countries listed on our nametags, it felt like one large group of travelers as we shared stories of our classrooms, personal travels, and what we hoped to gain from our international experiences. The day continued with country-specific presentations and broader, more globally-focused sessions for the Fellows and administrator-specific sessions that focused on the “how and why” of globalizing curricula.

Our networking lunch was well designed with finger sandwiches and small snacks and desserts available as we walked around to visit with representatives from global partners like the US State Department, People to People International, and Voices of Africa. They had materials including digital resources, maps, and literature to help us support a more globalized classroom. IREX/ TGC also provided each of us with a large bag and several hardcover books that were references throughout the sessions.

After lunch, our group met with Evan Ryan, Assistant Secretary of State under John Kerry. Assistant Secretary Ryan shared stories and encouraged us to continue to pursue international understanding.

On Friday evening, members of our India cohort braved the cold and walked to the L’Enfant Metro station to take a train to a nearby Indian restaurant, a recommendation from IREX/ TGC. I was surprised that so many of my colleagues had not tried Indian food before. Those of us who knew a little more made suggestions and everyone seemed to enjoy the food and certainly enjoyed the company.

With the winter storms moving in on Saturday morning, more than a few Fellows and administrators were on edge. Would they get home? When would Reagan shut down? Was the flight just delayed or cancelled? Never fear. . .IREX/ TGC was there! From rescheduling airport transfers to arranging another night with the hotel for those with cancelled flights, everything was smooth and organized and allowed us to finish the weekend’s activities without a worry. Our cohort met again to share student work that had a more global focus than we might have taught before. In small groups, we shared our own work and heard about examples from our colleagues.

This weekend solidified my belief in the importance of a global perspective when teaching. I came away with so many ideas, book titles, thoughts, questions, and connections. The power of a group of committed educators cannot be denied. We truly can change the world!

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