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Hours. . .literally, hours. . .

Sigh. . .the Walk for Water is done, the last day of school has sealed this year closed, even my classroom is clean. . .that means I NEED to finalize my packing because I LEAVE FOR INDIA IN 3 DAYS!!!!

As students were working (and I kept them working up until the last day), I was focused on them and finishing strong. Now that school is finished and grades are in, I am honestly getting a little nervous about my trip. My lessons are ready to go and our presentation is 99.9% ready, but I feel like there are a million things to do around the house before I go. The laundry, the garden and the patio are all calling me. Plus, I need a geometry master to help me figure out how to smush paperbacks, manuals, games, gifts, teaching materials, bottles of DEET spray, a computer, a camera, and (oh yeah) clothing into one small suitcase and a carry-on.

I'll take all the butterflies in the tummy, though, because this journey has been wonderful so far. IREX has been wonderfully supportive. The teachers I've met through the course and at the DC Symposium are inspirational. The next step is going to be amazing! I can't wait!

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